I haven't had a dream in the last two days, but about three days ago I had a series of dreams in one night that I never got around to recording. So I'm going to make up for that now.
Dream One
I believe I was at some kind of convention, it was possible that it was supposed to be a local anime convention that I go to. I had to use the bathroom, but the only thing around was a urinal that was kind of in the open, but you stood in it kind of like a little bathroom stall. The people around could see you and talk to you, but they couldn't see your lower body. I went to use it and was talking to some people and some tall weird old guy came up to me and started touching my back. I told the guy off and started yelling at him, and then he grabbed me by the throat and took me from the urinal and started taking me through a hotel. I was choking and couldn't breath and he was moving me quickly through a labyrinth of hotel rooms. My girlfriend was chasing after us and eventually managed to save me from the man. At this point there are two things that could have happened that I'm not sure of. The man retreated back to a big dark evil looking castle, and I turned into an awesome looking hero. I think the guy took my girlfriend with him, but I'm not sure, because I also had a partner wielding a scythe and I'm not sure if she was supposed to actually be my girlfriend. Either way, I was told I was supposed to gather a group of seven people, each wielding a different legendary weapon in order to take down this evil master. In the middle of this however, it faded from me being in the dream to me watching the cool looking heroes on a TV screen. I looked out my window and saw an ambulance outside and some paramedics approaching my house. I went into my moms room to see she was watching the same movie on her TV, and asked her if she knew about the ambulance. She said she called them cause she was hurt or something and I went outside to see what was taking them so long to come to the door. Outsider, two of my friends were sitting on my roof and my girlfriend who was scared to climb up, and I told them I was watching the coolest movie I had ever seen, but didn't know where the paramedics were. My friends pointed out to me that they were meditating by the river in my backyard (which I don't have) because that's the type of paramedics these people were. I don't remember anything else from this dream though.
Dream Two
I was swimming in a pool while my friend's girlfriend was also swimming around in it, away from me. I got out and sat at a table that my friend's were sitting at and started talking to one of my friends. He told me he had broken up with his girlfriend (the one swimming in a pool) and I was kind of happy because she doesn't treat him too well. However, my other friend told me he was dating her now, and that's why she was still there. I got up from the table and started screaming at him that I was completely done with his friendship and I never wanted to see him again. I'm not sure if my friend (who just broke up with his girlfriend) told me this at that point or after I left, but he eventually told me that he was now dating my girlfriend. During my rage, I saw a woman at a table sitting with her kids and she was upset with me because of the language I was using (since I was cursing up a storm at my friends) and I apologized and paid for some of her meal. When I left, I saw my friend who was now dating my girlfriend, and he was holding her hand. I ran up to him and punched him and he punched at me, and I was in a complete rage at this point. We fought for a bit before I eventually walked away, feeling like crap and pretty much giving up on life. I was walking through a parking lot, unable to find my car, possibly because I had driven with my girlfriend and she now had the car. I saw an older brother playing soccer with his younger brother by a tree. I sat there and found a box containing a bunch of classic video games that in my dream were worth a lot of money. I asked the two brothers if it was theirs, and they said it wasn't. However, shortly after two other people in Street Fighter costumes came up and asked if anyone found their games. I handed them over and they left. The two brothers who were playing soccer started talking to me and I told them that my girlfriend of four years just left me. I started walking with them and we got back to their car. The younger brother showed me a scythe which reminds me of my girlfriend, who recently cosplayed Maka from Soul Eater. I call my girlfriend because I miss her, and I "wake up" inside my dream and find myself at a computer. I instant message my girlfriend, which wakes her up as well, and I ask her if she still loves me, to which she replies that she does. She types out three short stories for me to make me feel better and I go into my next dream.
Dream Three
I have a short dream about a guy who is dressed like Doctor Who (even though I've never watched Doctor Who) and calls himself Doctor What and he's like a super hero or something. I don't remember this dream that much, but I wrote down a note of it and it says that some guy flew threw a window and Doctor What took his organs. After this short dream though, I had another dream that I actually do remember.
I was at my dad's house and my little cousin was playing his Nintendo DS. I went upstairs in the house and my dad was talking to me while I looked out the window. I didn't hear what he was saying because across the street in a large glass window I saw a couple have sex, and was completely distracted by this. The next thing I know, I find myself in a weird tunnel-like place walking with my dad, my uncle, my grandpa, and my little cousin. We eventually find ourselves at three portals they each split up and walk through different ones, my little cousin going with his dad, my grandpa going through another, and my dad going through the last. I listen to what they tell me about each portal and walk through the same one my dad went through. At this point, I realize I am dreaming and the roads all begin to turn to rainbows and I follow them to one of the neighbors house (the same one from the Apocalypse dream). I imagine that a girl will be there and she is, but then I try not to think about scary thoughts and I see her face morph quickly into a demon before it changes back. I see she is watching A Clockwork Orange and think to myself that if this were real life, I could easily pick her up by talking about the movie, and say "I love this movie" out loud, even though I know I don't need to. She starts heading upstairs and I see her face morph one final time because I thought of scary thoughts again. She tells me to make love to her and reveals to me a very weirdly pierced body. I start playing with one of the piercings trying to figure out how the hell it was attached (because it was hooked up very weirdly to her body) but then my mind went completely black, almost like I closed my eyes. My mind tells me that if I open my eyes, I will back in the dream but I am hesitant to do this. I slowly open my eyes, but find myself laying in bed, woken up from my dream. I should have known this would happen, since closing my eyes and then opening them has always been the method I used to wake myself up from nightmares.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Kissing Girls
Weird dream last night. Felt something about it though, don't know what. Felt like my life was in danger the whole dream.
This started off with me playing baseball with some friends at a local park (weird, because I haven't played baseball in a while and today I actually spent most of my day playing a baseball game on PlayStation with my cousin) and I remember it being really early and me getting back into the car and driving home. When I got home there was some girl there washing dishes. I remember talking to her and looking into her eyes. It was like the whole world revolved around her eyes like I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life. Then I got the feeling like she wanted me to kiss her, so I did. After that we were both walking into my basement to get something and she fell over and died. I held her and tried to help her but it was no use. I think I saw a glance of hades (like the one from Disney's Hercules, except a bit more scary) like he had done this for some reason.
After that, I found myself at the beach. Something may have happened before this, but I couldn't remember. I saw a girl that I know and she was upset that a football she was playing with got taken away by the waves. I tried to go after it but was continuously knocked around by huge waves (which whenever I have a dream involving the ocean or waves they are usually so big that I cannot escape or I almost drown and it's a terrifying feeling). I remember just holding my nose as a huge wave would crash and take me under water and I struggled to breath. Eventually I found some stairs or something that I could go under where the waves wouldn't get to me and there were just little pools of water that I had to swim through. I eventually found the football as well and swam back through the pools to the girl. She was swimming around in one of the pools and I gave her the football and she was really happy. The next thing I know I was looking into her eyes and everything felt weird again, like something I can't explain. We ended up making out in the water, but at that point I realized it was a dream. I felt a little "glitch" in my dream and didn't want to mess with it in fear of waking up. Next thing I know, I woke up in a bed with a girl. I don't know if it was the game girl from the beach or someone different though. I also remember feeling like someone was plotting something against me and that they were outside of the apartment we were in, but before I could do anything I woke up.
This started off with me playing baseball with some friends at a local park (weird, because I haven't played baseball in a while and today I actually spent most of my day playing a baseball game on PlayStation with my cousin) and I remember it being really early and me getting back into the car and driving home. When I got home there was some girl there washing dishes. I remember talking to her and looking into her eyes. It was like the whole world revolved around her eyes like I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life. Then I got the feeling like she wanted me to kiss her, so I did. After that we were both walking into my basement to get something and she fell over and died. I held her and tried to help her but it was no use. I think I saw a glance of hades (like the one from Disney's Hercules, except a bit more scary) like he had done this for some reason.
After that, I found myself at the beach. Something may have happened before this, but I couldn't remember. I saw a girl that I know and she was upset that a football she was playing with got taken away by the waves. I tried to go after it but was continuously knocked around by huge waves (which whenever I have a dream involving the ocean or waves they are usually so big that I cannot escape or I almost drown and it's a terrifying feeling). I remember just holding my nose as a huge wave would crash and take me under water and I struggled to breath. Eventually I found some stairs or something that I could go under where the waves wouldn't get to me and there were just little pools of water that I had to swim through. I eventually found the football as well and swam back through the pools to the girl. She was swimming around in one of the pools and I gave her the football and she was really happy. The next thing I know I was looking into her eyes and everything felt weird again, like something I can't explain. We ended up making out in the water, but at that point I realized it was a dream. I felt a little "glitch" in my dream and didn't want to mess with it in fear of waking up. Next thing I know, I woke up in a bed with a girl. I don't know if it was the game girl from the beach or someone different though. I also remember feeling like someone was plotting something against me and that they were outside of the apartment we were in, but before I could do anything I woke up.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Slipping Away
Been slightly busy lately and I apologize for not keeping this update to anyone who looks forward to my crazy dreams. I also feel bad not logging in my dreams because if I don't do this right I'll screw up my little "experiment". I had another semi lucid dream a few nights back but first I'm going to log in what I remember about my dream from last night.
Dream One
I was at a mall or something and there was a zombie apocalypse (yay!) and there were zombies EVERYWHERE. I think my mom or someone got bit so I needed to find some herbs (everything was kind of Resident Evil style, even the dream movement). It actually felt more scary than awesome, since I wasn't packing a small arsenal. I think I eventually found my mom some herbs and headed back...but along the way I found some dynamite. When I got back, I lit some explosives and threw them at the zombies and managed to clear the entire mall of them. I saved the day and all was well, though I'm not sure if it was just the mall affected with zombies or the whole world.
Dream Two
I arrived at a house that was supposed to be my dads house, in a limo. It had a prom-like feeling to it but the people in the limo with me weren't really close friends. I got out and I think there was a party waiting for me, don't really know what I celebrating though. The house was surrounded by ocean on most sides, it actually looked pretty nice. Eventually, something clicked and I realized I was dreaming. I felt like the God of my dream and started floating in the air above everyone. However, like my last semi-lucid dream, I couldn't fully control it and was fading in and out of power. Still felt pretty awesome flying around though.
Usually, I am able to create people in my dream and have them do whatever I want, but I've been having trouble with that. Like, I think of a certain person I want to smite or whatever, but they kind of appear and then flicker away. Maybe it's because subconsciously I know I'm trying to have a lucid dream, where in the past it just kind of happened? And now I know that there is a possibility it won't work? I guess I'll have to keep recording and see what happens. Thanks to anyone who is still interested in my blog! I love the support and comments!
Dream One
I was at a mall or something and there was a zombie apocalypse (yay!) and there were zombies EVERYWHERE. I think my mom or someone got bit so I needed to find some herbs (everything was kind of Resident Evil style, even the dream movement). It actually felt more scary than awesome, since I wasn't packing a small arsenal. I think I eventually found my mom some herbs and headed back...but along the way I found some dynamite. When I got back, I lit some explosives and threw them at the zombies and managed to clear the entire mall of them. I saved the day and all was well, though I'm not sure if it was just the mall affected with zombies or the whole world.
Dream Two
I arrived at a house that was supposed to be my dads house, in a limo. It had a prom-like feeling to it but the people in the limo with me weren't really close friends. I got out and I think there was a party waiting for me, don't really know what I celebrating though. The house was surrounded by ocean on most sides, it actually looked pretty nice. Eventually, something clicked and I realized I was dreaming. I felt like the God of my dream and started floating in the air above everyone. However, like my last semi-lucid dream, I couldn't fully control it and was fading in and out of power. Still felt pretty awesome flying around though.
Usually, I am able to create people in my dream and have them do whatever I want, but I've been having trouble with that. Like, I think of a certain person I want to smite or whatever, but they kind of appear and then flicker away. Maybe it's because subconsciously I know I'm trying to have a lucid dream, where in the past it just kind of happened? And now I know that there is a possibility it won't work? I guess I'll have to keep recording and see what happens. Thanks to anyone who is still interested in my blog! I love the support and comments!
Monday, April 18, 2011
It's Working
Alright, I had a few dreams last night, but I was woken up at 10:00 am during this morning after not really getting too much sleep because my girlfriend was stuck at work so I went to pick her up, which wasn't really a problem...actually, I'd have to say it's because of this that I had my close to lucid dream. When I got home I was doing a little bit of reading until I started feeling really tired again. I fell asleep and had a bunch of dreams, one which was seemingly lucid but hard to control. I'm going to post the three that I remember, even though some parts are really fuzzy.
Even though I had the lucid-ish dream second, I'm going to post it last.
Dream One
I was at Toys-R-Us with my girlfriend and she asked me to go into another section to look for a costume that her sister wanted. I eventually found it and grabbed it and on the way back I ran into one of my aunts. I'm not really sure which one it even was and I have no idea what we talked about but then we parted ways. After that I think some other stuff went on but I don't really remember anything except that I was disguised as my girlfriends dad for some reason. I'm pretty sure she knew I was doing this (and just now I remember seeing her dad and her mom on the couch laughing and having fun but I don't know what that had to do with the dream) but being disguised as her dad might have been to go to a party in his place or something. I'm really not sure. After that me and her found ourselves in 7-Eleven and we were going to get Slurpees. They didn't have any flavors I like though (even though there is ALWAYS a flavor of Slurpee I will get) and then we found some random slushee in the freezer that I thought looked good. I pointed it out to my girlfriend and she said something like "Yeah! That's really good! It has banana peppers in it!" which, I normally LOVE but do NOT want in my slushee. She then convinced me to try a free sample that they happened to be giving out of it and I didn't want to. I did taste a little of it and I'm not really sure how because at the moment I was going to grab the free sample cup from the guy, my phone rang to wake me up. I DID taste it though and I think it was just a little bit from another customer but she said something like "No! You have to get your own and eat the whole thing!"
Dream Two
In this one I think I started out looking for a job. I'm pretty sure some stuff happened before this but I was talking to this girl who owned her own shop and after that my mom asked me where I was going to work. I told her my friend could help me out because she owned her own shop and gave her this little information sheet to look at that I hadn't read yet. Turns out the shop was some kind of drug place, where the woman used a flower shop or something as a cover to sell drugs and the information sheet was instructions on how they work. The next thing I know I'm in the shop apologizing to the woman who I guess I accepted the job from and told her I had to quit and that I didn't mean for my mom to read the sheet. Then my mom and the woman were talking and my mom revealed that she had burned down all of the womans drug facilities After that I had my cell phone up to my ear and I could hear my mom and my aunt talking about a good place to eat. I remember her saying we could just go to her house and spend the night but my mom said no. After that we found a sign leading to a burger place that looked pretty cool and we followed in. On the way we passed through another sign that said "Inner City" on it. It was weird because we were now in a smaller city that the car could just barely pass through and eventually we found a cafe but it wasn't the place we were looking for.
We asked a man walking by if he knew where it was and he said he did. We followed him and he lead us into an alley and then pulled a gun on us. We managed to fight him and win, since I think I was packing a Grand Theft Auto sized arsenal in my pocket. He ran off saying to destroy our car so his gang thinks he killed us because otherwise they would be coming after us. We blew up our car with a rocket launcher I pulled out of my pocket and then went on to take out the rest of his gang. I went up the stairs from an alley and found them but I'm not sure what actually happened because I woke up.
Dream Three
This is the weirdest and most fuzzy dream I had and nothing really happened, but I have to explain it as it is the purpose of this blog. I was in a dream and I couldn't see much in a way that used to happen a lot in dreams when I was a kid. I realized it was a dream and instantly everything got clearer. I even said in my dream "Lucid Dream!". At that point, however, I started waking up. I was on my couch half conscious in between the dream and waking up and I manged to go back into the dream. Now, I saw people. I began to change them into people I knew, but as I tried to change things, I started waking up again. I kept drifting in and out of the dream, but I had a lot of control over a lot of things. Some other things happened in the dream but I can't really remember them. I do remember trying to escaped from somewhere and using my lucid dream powers to easily do this, but I don't remember anything in detail. It might have possibly been because I didn't go through the stages of sleep since I was only taking a nap that I couldn't control it fully and kept almost waking up. I guess we will see what happens next time, but I think keeping this dream journal is really helping.
Even though I had the lucid-ish dream second, I'm going to post it last.
Dream One
I was at Toys-R-Us with my girlfriend and she asked me to go into another section to look for a costume that her sister wanted. I eventually found it and grabbed it and on the way back I ran into one of my aunts. I'm not really sure which one it even was and I have no idea what we talked about but then we parted ways. After that I think some other stuff went on but I don't really remember anything except that I was disguised as my girlfriends dad for some reason. I'm pretty sure she knew I was doing this (and just now I remember seeing her dad and her mom on the couch laughing and having fun but I don't know what that had to do with the dream) but being disguised as her dad might have been to go to a party in his place or something. I'm really not sure. After that me and her found ourselves in 7-Eleven and we were going to get Slurpees. They didn't have any flavors I like though (even though there is ALWAYS a flavor of Slurpee I will get) and then we found some random slushee in the freezer that I thought looked good. I pointed it out to my girlfriend and she said something like "Yeah! That's really good! It has banana peppers in it!" which, I normally LOVE but do NOT want in my slushee. She then convinced me to try a free sample that they happened to be giving out of it and I didn't want to. I did taste a little of it and I'm not really sure how because at the moment I was going to grab the free sample cup from the guy, my phone rang to wake me up. I DID taste it though and I think it was just a little bit from another customer but she said something like "No! You have to get your own and eat the whole thing!"
Dream Two
In this one I think I started out looking for a job. I'm pretty sure some stuff happened before this but I was talking to this girl who owned her own shop and after that my mom asked me where I was going to work. I told her my friend could help me out because she owned her own shop and gave her this little information sheet to look at that I hadn't read yet. Turns out the shop was some kind of drug place, where the woman used a flower shop or something as a cover to sell drugs and the information sheet was instructions on how they work. The next thing I know I'm in the shop apologizing to the woman who I guess I accepted the job from and told her I had to quit and that I didn't mean for my mom to read the sheet. Then my mom and the woman were talking and my mom revealed that she had burned down all of the womans drug facilities After that I had my cell phone up to my ear and I could hear my mom and my aunt talking about a good place to eat. I remember her saying we could just go to her house and spend the night but my mom said no. After that we found a sign leading to a burger place that looked pretty cool and we followed in. On the way we passed through another sign that said "Inner City" on it. It was weird because we were now in a smaller city that the car could just barely pass through and eventually we found a cafe but it wasn't the place we were looking for.
We asked a man walking by if he knew where it was and he said he did. We followed him and he lead us into an alley and then pulled a gun on us. We managed to fight him and win, since I think I was packing a Grand Theft Auto sized arsenal in my pocket. He ran off saying to destroy our car so his gang thinks he killed us because otherwise they would be coming after us. We blew up our car with a rocket launcher I pulled out of my pocket and then went on to take out the rest of his gang. I went up the stairs from an alley and found them but I'm not sure what actually happened because I woke up.
Dream Three
This is the weirdest and most fuzzy dream I had and nothing really happened, but I have to explain it as it is the purpose of this blog. I was in a dream and I couldn't see much in a way that used to happen a lot in dreams when I was a kid. I realized it was a dream and instantly everything got clearer. I even said in my dream "Lucid Dream!". At that point, however, I started waking up. I was on my couch half conscious in between the dream and waking up and I manged to go back into the dream. Now, I saw people. I began to change them into people I knew, but as I tried to change things, I started waking up again. I kept drifting in and out of the dream, but I had a lot of control over a lot of things. Some other things happened in the dream but I can't really remember them. I do remember trying to escaped from somewhere and using my lucid dream powers to easily do this, but I don't remember anything in detail. It might have possibly been because I didn't go through the stages of sleep since I was only taking a nap that I couldn't control it fully and kept almost waking up. I guess we will see what happens next time, but I think keeping this dream journal is really helping.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
It Ain't Nothing but a Good Time
Don't really remember these two dreams really well, but I've got to try my best to log them in. Nothing really TOO weird about them, they did feel kind of nice.
Dream One
I remember snowboarding. That's pretty much the most I can actually remember. I think there was a purpose to this. I might have been materialized into a video of my cousin and his friends snowboarding and skiing. I haven't done this since I was a little kid, so I never had fun the way they did. I remember having complete control of the board and it just felt so fun. I jumped off a high edge of the mountain we were on and did a bunch of spins in the air, and it just felt great. It was a very happy dream where I just felt like I was enjoying myself. Nothing too weird about it, other than the looks my friends gave me when I showed up out of thin air.
Dream Two
We were having a barbecue at my dad's house, which is something we do pretty often. It felt really nice, again, nothing was too weird at first. My dad was cooking up something amazing and everyone was pretty excited about it. I think we were swimming in a pool at one point, but my dad's house hasn't had a pool in a very very long time. Eventually, something was going on with the neighbors and they started to leave. My dad said this was going to be his last barbecue ever or something, and when one of the neighbors started to leave with a roll of coins, my dad said "What are you doing!? That's my life's savings!" and when the man said something like "It's just a roll of coins" my dad said "Not the money, the meat!" pointing to a bunch of food that the man was taking home with him. There was some side story going on here too, where the neighbors were mad that he never invited them to any of the other barbecues and when they eventually called him out on it, he told them that he did invite them and they just never showed up. The dream did some sort of back story behind what actually happened, and at the end everyone was pretty happy and getting a long and it was a good time.
Dream One
I remember snowboarding. That's pretty much the most I can actually remember. I think there was a purpose to this. I might have been materialized into a video of my cousin and his friends snowboarding and skiing. I haven't done this since I was a little kid, so I never had fun the way they did. I remember having complete control of the board and it just felt so fun. I jumped off a high edge of the mountain we were on and did a bunch of spins in the air, and it just felt great. It was a very happy dream where I just felt like I was enjoying myself. Nothing too weird about it, other than the looks my friends gave me when I showed up out of thin air.
Dream Two
We were having a barbecue at my dad's house, which is something we do pretty often. It felt really nice, again, nothing was too weird at first. My dad was cooking up something amazing and everyone was pretty excited about it. I think we were swimming in a pool at one point, but my dad's house hasn't had a pool in a very very long time. Eventually, something was going on with the neighbors and they started to leave. My dad said this was going to be his last barbecue ever or something, and when one of the neighbors started to leave with a roll of coins, my dad said "What are you doing!? That's my life's savings!" and when the man said something like "It's just a roll of coins" my dad said "Not the money, the meat!" pointing to a bunch of food that the man was taking home with him. There was some side story going on here too, where the neighbors were mad that he never invited them to any of the other barbecues and when they eventually called him out on it, he told them that he did invite them and they just never showed up. The dream did some sort of back story behind what actually happened, and at the end everyone was pretty happy and getting a long and it was a good time.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Aliens Have Feelings Too
I haven't really been blogging in the past few days, and I'm sorry about that. I didn't really have any dreams I could remember except for one I had two nights ago that I didn't record, but I forgot it. I did have a dream last night though. So here it goes.
I was on a baseball field playing with some friends. Or that's how it started anyways. It was weird because it seemed like we were on a TV show or something. I think we had a guest star who was Derek Jeter or something. Anyways I was playing outfield, which I used to play when I played baseball and sucked at everything except hitting. It started out like it was a tryout or something and for some reason in the dream I could not throw a ball. I would pick up the baseball and my wrist would twist all the way around until it was upside down and then I would toss it and it wouldn't go very far. I kept getting made fun of pretty bad and I walked away with my hood up crying I think. Then Derek Jeter said something like "that's not cool" and left. Eventually I was back and there were two teams or something. One team would alternate pitchers and the other team would alternate hitters, and we were all lined up. I was waiting on line to prove myself as a good hitter. My dad was in front of me on line, but went up to the pitchers mound and threw a fast pitch, striking out the guy (even though my dad never played baseball). Eventually, it was my turn to hit, but before I was ready, the coach threw the ball and said that was it, I wasn't allowed to try again. I got so mad that I got up and started swinging my bat at lights and other weird technical stuff that was hanging around for some reason. The next thing I know, the little stadium we were playing in started to collapse, and everyone started escaping in escape pods. All that was left for me was a note saying to use this one portal and try to survive on earth for as long as I could and it gave me directions to a hide out in New York City. So I guess the whole time I had been an alien...after that I was teleported to the city and found myself on a bus. A young girl was telling me about the city and helping me find my way to the address of my hideout, even though she didn't know I was an alien. Eventually, some demon dog things were hunting me down, so I jumped off the bus and started running until I found the apartment. While I was running, it looked really cool. Everything was lit up and I was running on all of the lights. Inside the apartment, I found my alien contact, and we hid as the dogs searched our apartment. Eventually, they had sniffed out where he was hiding and went to open it, but we both popped out from a different hiding place with alien guns, and blasted them. But that was all that happened in the dream.
I was on a baseball field playing with some friends. Or that's how it started anyways. It was weird because it seemed like we were on a TV show or something. I think we had a guest star who was Derek Jeter or something. Anyways I was playing outfield, which I used to play when I played baseball and sucked at everything except hitting. It started out like it was a tryout or something and for some reason in the dream I could not throw a ball. I would pick up the baseball and my wrist would twist all the way around until it was upside down and then I would toss it and it wouldn't go very far. I kept getting made fun of pretty bad and I walked away with my hood up crying I think. Then Derek Jeter said something like "that's not cool" and left. Eventually I was back and there were two teams or something. One team would alternate pitchers and the other team would alternate hitters, and we were all lined up. I was waiting on line to prove myself as a good hitter. My dad was in front of me on line, but went up to the pitchers mound and threw a fast pitch, striking out the guy (even though my dad never played baseball). Eventually, it was my turn to hit, but before I was ready, the coach threw the ball and said that was it, I wasn't allowed to try again. I got so mad that I got up and started swinging my bat at lights and other weird technical stuff that was hanging around for some reason. The next thing I know, the little stadium we were playing in started to collapse, and everyone started escaping in escape pods. All that was left for me was a note saying to use this one portal and try to survive on earth for as long as I could and it gave me directions to a hide out in New York City. So I guess the whole time I had been an alien...after that I was teleported to the city and found myself on a bus. A young girl was telling me about the city and helping me find my way to the address of my hideout, even though she didn't know I was an alien. Eventually, some demon dog things were hunting me down, so I jumped off the bus and started running until I found the apartment. While I was running, it looked really cool. Everything was lit up and I was running on all of the lights. Inside the apartment, I found my alien contact, and we hid as the dogs searched our apartment. Eventually, they had sniffed out where he was hiding and went to open it, but we both popped out from a different hiding place with alien guns, and blasted them. But that was all that happened in the dream.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
They Call Him Slappy
Been really busy with some stuff and only have time to do a quick post from my phone in the car, but I thank people who still follow me. Anyways, ever since I was young my biggest fear, other than Gremlins, were evil dolls. Usually the smaller the more terrified I was. Dolls in real life didn't bother me at all, not really even movies of them (except the doll from
Trilogy of Terror he scared the hell out of me even though the movie wasn't really that scary) but in my dreams...ugh.
I was watching TV with my girlfriend and some family. All of a sudden I saw the dummy from
goosebumps, that kiddy horror show, and I was kind of scared of him as a child. By seeing him in my dream TV, I remembered that he existed, and heard a knock at the door. It was Slappy the dummy and me and my girlfriend screamed. I don't remember exactly what happened, except that it was terrifying and we were running around trying to escape as it tried it's hardest to kill us. I really don't remember what else happened, just that I was scared.
Trilogy of Terror he scared the hell out of me even though the movie wasn't really that scary) but in my dreams...ugh.
I was watching TV with my girlfriend and some family. All of a sudden I saw the dummy from
goosebumps, that kiddy horror show, and I was kind of scared of him as a child. By seeing him in my dream TV, I remembered that he existed, and heard a knock at the door. It was Slappy the dummy and me and my girlfriend screamed. I don't remember exactly what happened, except that it was terrifying and we were running around trying to escape as it tried it's hardest to kill us. I really don't remember what else happened, just that I was scared.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Running Away
I feel like I did a lot of running in my last dream. I think it was one dream so I'm going to post it as one.
I don't know exactly lead up to this point but there was me, a girl, and my dream dad who was nothing like my real dad. In the dream he was dating this girl and we were like a family, but after a while I fell in love with her. I don't know what happened after that but I'm pretty sure that my dream dad knew about it and was okay with her choosing who she wanted to be with. In the end, she chose me and we were happy together. Except for my dream dad who snapped and tried to kill us. I remember running from him, and eventually he stabbed the girl and I held her as she died in my arms. This all felt incredibly sad to me and I think we were in a river at this point, but then the river turned into a ride at a water park.
I don't know if the girl was alive after that or if she disappeared but I was with some friends and my cousins trying to go through the water tubes, even though the park was closed. We had special bracelets that were supposed to let us do whatever we wanted, but I don't think we were allowed to be doing this. While going down we didn't want to go too fast because we weren't sure if there would be water at the bottom to fall into. When we got to the bottom, security was there and they yelled at us but didn't kick us out because of our bracelets. One of the guards was my grandpa, which was weird. It was also stupid that we got in trouble because the park was actually open. After that we went to the arcade and I think I saw the girl there.
The next thing I remember was being on the computer looking for videos to download. Then my brother left my house and I was glad because I was free to look for whatever I wanted. I don't know if I was watching this or if it actually happened but it was all from my point of view, but next I was at a party and these girls wanted to have some fun. I don't know what happened with that, but eventually I was watching some guy cut off the head of a baby doll and drown it. He was trying to trick the police into something and needed me to keep quiet and help him. I think at this point I became an officer, so again, I was a dirty cop. After that the police showed up and I told them I hadn't seen anything, but I was thinking about turning him in. Later, I was at some kind of art gallery and he planned an attack there as well. At that point, I knew I was going to turn him in, but the building started collapsing as I was running after this guy. I remember holding on to a piece of crumbling ground and seeing one of his pictures and realizing something, but that was the end of the dream.
I don't know exactly lead up to this point but there was me, a girl, and my dream dad who was nothing like my real dad. In the dream he was dating this girl and we were like a family, but after a while I fell in love with her. I don't know what happened after that but I'm pretty sure that my dream dad knew about it and was okay with her choosing who she wanted to be with. In the end, she chose me and we were happy together. Except for my dream dad who snapped and tried to kill us. I remember running from him, and eventually he stabbed the girl and I held her as she died in my arms. This all felt incredibly sad to me and I think we were in a river at this point, but then the river turned into a ride at a water park.
I don't know if the girl was alive after that or if she disappeared but I was with some friends and my cousins trying to go through the water tubes, even though the park was closed. We had special bracelets that were supposed to let us do whatever we wanted, but I don't think we were allowed to be doing this. While going down we didn't want to go too fast because we weren't sure if there would be water at the bottom to fall into. When we got to the bottom, security was there and they yelled at us but didn't kick us out because of our bracelets. One of the guards was my grandpa, which was weird. It was also stupid that we got in trouble because the park was actually open. After that we went to the arcade and I think I saw the girl there.
The next thing I remember was being on the computer looking for videos to download. Then my brother left my house and I was glad because I was free to look for whatever I wanted. I don't know if I was watching this or if it actually happened but it was all from my point of view, but next I was at a party and these girls wanted to have some fun. I don't know what happened with that, but eventually I was watching some guy cut off the head of a baby doll and drown it. He was trying to trick the police into something and needed me to keep quiet and help him. I think at this point I became an officer, so again, I was a dirty cop. After that the police showed up and I told them I hadn't seen anything, but I was thinking about turning him in. Later, I was at some kind of art gallery and he planned an attack there as well. At that point, I knew I was going to turn him in, but the building started collapsing as I was running after this guy. I remember holding on to a piece of crumbling ground and seeing one of his pictures and realizing something, but that was the end of the dream.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Damn Birds
Weird dream last night. Ugh I hate dreams where I feel helpless and scared, even if it's not that scary.
I had two friends over and I think we were playing some pokemon or something like that. Eventually, one of the kids, who is someone I know but don't really hang out with, touched my brother's bird cage, and since one of the wheels is busted, it fell over. I grabbed it so it didn't fall completely and I was holding on to it until I fell asleep. When I woke up, my head was inside the birdcage but the rest of my body was pretty much out of it. I tried to yell to my friends for one of them to help me out, but they wouldn't wake up. The birds had escaped from the cage and were sitting on top of it, peeing on me...it was really weird and really gross feeling. I was covered in the gross stuff and I was crying for my brothers help. He came out and helped me out of the cage. I remember looking outside and it was light, like an early morning, and my brother was leaving for school really early. He said something like "happy birthday" and left.
I had another dream too but I don't remember much, other that I was on a vacation or something with my girlfriend and we were trying to get it on, but stuff kept interrupting us. Eventually something happened where her dad was mad or something, but I don't really remember anything.
I had two friends over and I think we were playing some pokemon or something like that. Eventually, one of the kids, who is someone I know but don't really hang out with, touched my brother's bird cage, and since one of the wheels is busted, it fell over. I grabbed it so it didn't fall completely and I was holding on to it until I fell asleep. When I woke up, my head was inside the birdcage but the rest of my body was pretty much out of it. I tried to yell to my friends for one of them to help me out, but they wouldn't wake up. The birds had escaped from the cage and were sitting on top of it, peeing on me...it was really weird and really gross feeling. I was covered in the gross stuff and I was crying for my brothers help. He came out and helped me out of the cage. I remember looking outside and it was light, like an early morning, and my brother was leaving for school really early. He said something like "happy birthday" and left.
I had another dream too but I don't remember much, other that I was on a vacation or something with my girlfriend and we were trying to get it on, but stuff kept interrupting us. Eventually something happened where her dad was mad or something, but I don't really remember anything.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
I Love College...and Zombies?
Ugh. Zombie dream was so scary to me, but describing it now, it's not too bad. More cool really. Last time I play Resident Evil 2 before bed though...
Dream One
I was in a car with two cops, I believe I was one myself, outside of a house that looked like my grandfather's. There were cars all over the driveway, and inside were the dead bodies of people, frozen in place with terrified looks on their faces. The way it looked, I felt like there was a nuclear holocaust or something. I went inside the house and it was crawling with zombies. I was doing Resident Evil style searching, finding a few notes laying around. Eventually, I found a few zombies who were almost like the feral ghouls from Fallout, except they could talk. I disguised myself as one of them and they believed me. They were a family and one of the brothers was actually kind, like a normal ghoul, but he knew I was a human. He told me he would let me be as long as I didn't harm his family. At one point, one of the ghouls said it was time to wash their face before dinner, and he took me into a bathroom where he literally removed his face, peeling the skin off with his fingers. I told him I would be right back and went into another bedroom to do some searching. When I came back there was someone else in the house who had shot and killed most of the zombies. The good brother zombie was being held at gunpoint, but I shot the man instead and let him run away. After that, I found a note on the floor, folded up into a triangle, with my name on it. I left that room and went into a bedroom, where I found the dead bodies of my dad and his girlfriend as well as a phone off the hook. I picked it up and on the other line was the girlfriends son. He said "hello?" and I screamed to scare him, but he told me that something happened and I told him to call the police to my location because there were zombies everywhere. I left the building and outside were the two cops shooting at a hoard of rushing zombies. We got into one of the cars with dead bodies in it and began to drive away. I remember finding a bunch of dead people in the back seat, and I was picking them up and throwing them out of the car, just in case they weren't really dead. I remember touching the bodies, and they really felt dead. They were cold and hard and their skin was dry. It was horrible. I saw the looks on all of their faces. It was truly terrifying. While driving, I tried to call my girlfriend, but I got no answer and had no hope left. I read the note from the good ghoul, and it was very touching. The three of us realized we were going to die, but didn't want to become zombies, so we sped the car up really fast, and took our lives. After that, it was like going back to a title screen, and I had the option to play the game again, this time with a full swat team. I selected that, and it was more awesome that anything. Pretty much just wrecking some zombies.
Dream Two
I was at my new college, and I guess I spent the night there for whatever reason. The next day, it was like a huge party. I only had my pajamas because I wasn't supposed to spend the night there. There might have been a storm or something. It was pretty awesome though. I remember feeling like a real Alpha. I was walking around saying high to people I knew, giving them high fives and stuff like that. Eventually, I was on my way back to the guy dorms. Some girl was coming up from them and she looked at me, but didn't want me to think she was a slut or something and said "I was just using the restrooms there, the girls are broken" and I was making small talk with her and I said something like "hey, don't I know you?" and she really did look familiar, but I didn't know her. Again, I felt Alpha because she was flirting with me pretty bad. After that I went to look for some of my friends. I bumped into some older woman who was using an ATM, and she looked kind of like my cousins grandmother. I said I was sorry, but she just gave me a dirty look even after asking if she was alright. So, I said "Fuck you then" and went on my merry way. Even though nothing really happened, the whole atmosphere of the dream just felt completely awesome.
Dream One
I was in a car with two cops, I believe I was one myself, outside of a house that looked like my grandfather's. There were cars all over the driveway, and inside were the dead bodies of people, frozen in place with terrified looks on their faces. The way it looked, I felt like there was a nuclear holocaust or something. I went inside the house and it was crawling with zombies. I was doing Resident Evil style searching, finding a few notes laying around. Eventually, I found a few zombies who were almost like the feral ghouls from Fallout, except they could talk. I disguised myself as one of them and they believed me. They were a family and one of the brothers was actually kind, like a normal ghoul, but he knew I was a human. He told me he would let me be as long as I didn't harm his family. At one point, one of the ghouls said it was time to wash their face before dinner, and he took me into a bathroom where he literally removed his face, peeling the skin off with his fingers. I told him I would be right back and went into another bedroom to do some searching. When I came back there was someone else in the house who had shot and killed most of the zombies. The good brother zombie was being held at gunpoint, but I shot the man instead and let him run away. After that, I found a note on the floor, folded up into a triangle, with my name on it. I left that room and went into a bedroom, where I found the dead bodies of my dad and his girlfriend as well as a phone off the hook. I picked it up and on the other line was the girlfriends son. He said "hello?" and I screamed to scare him, but he told me that something happened and I told him to call the police to my location because there were zombies everywhere. I left the building and outside were the two cops shooting at a hoard of rushing zombies. We got into one of the cars with dead bodies in it and began to drive away. I remember finding a bunch of dead people in the back seat, and I was picking them up and throwing them out of the car, just in case they weren't really dead. I remember touching the bodies, and they really felt dead. They were cold and hard and their skin was dry. It was horrible. I saw the looks on all of their faces. It was truly terrifying. While driving, I tried to call my girlfriend, but I got no answer and had no hope left. I read the note from the good ghoul, and it was very touching. The three of us realized we were going to die, but didn't want to become zombies, so we sped the car up really fast, and took our lives. After that, it was like going back to a title screen, and I had the option to play the game again, this time with a full swat team. I selected that, and it was more awesome that anything. Pretty much just wrecking some zombies.
Dream Two
I was at my new college, and I guess I spent the night there for whatever reason. The next day, it was like a huge party. I only had my pajamas because I wasn't supposed to spend the night there. There might have been a storm or something. It was pretty awesome though. I remember feeling like a real Alpha. I was walking around saying high to people I knew, giving them high fives and stuff like that. Eventually, I was on my way back to the guy dorms. Some girl was coming up from them and she looked at me, but didn't want me to think she was a slut or something and said "I was just using the restrooms there, the girls are broken" and I was making small talk with her and I said something like "hey, don't I know you?" and she really did look familiar, but I didn't know her. Again, I felt Alpha because she was flirting with me pretty bad. After that I went to look for some of my friends. I bumped into some older woman who was using an ATM, and she looked kind of like my cousins grandmother. I said I was sorry, but she just gave me a dirty look even after asking if she was alright. So, I said "Fuck you then" and went on my merry way. Even though nothing really happened, the whole atmosphere of the dream just felt completely awesome.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Where to Begin?
Ok, so I just had a bunch of dreams last night and I don't know if they were separate or what, so I'm just going to post them as one dream and put breaks in the middle for a transition. I also keep remembering and forgetting dreams so if I remember something I'll come back and do an edit.
Something happened before this but I can't remember. I arrived at my grandfather's house where my aunt also lives and she was on the couch with her daughter. We were talking about something and I told her I was so tired because I didn't get to sleep until 7:00 am, which is actually true. We went on a car ride somewhere and she was speeding pretty fast but it was putting me to sleep. She was driving up the sides of walls and stuff too and even though I was scared I was glad I was sleeping.
Next thing I know, I'm with a group of scientists. They had developed a giant robot to fight off a giant monster and wanted me to pilot it. Pretty much, they gave me a mecha-Godzilla to fight a real Godzilla (I haven't even ever SEEN a Godzilla movie). I fought with it for a while while standing on a bridge controlling the robot, and eventually I think I destroyed it. After that, my mission was to turn the robot on the scientist so I did. I don't know who won, but eventually I was in the next part of my dream.
I was talking to my mom and she said she wanted to go visit my dad or that he invited us over or something. I realized it was almost midnight and my friends were over so I thought she was crazy since it would take us about an hour to get there. Then I saw that she wanted to walk. One of my friends went with her because they love my dad and I started to follow. Eventually, I met up with my mom who was fighting with my dad because she wanted him to give her two thousand dollars so she could write a novel, which I had to agree with my dream dad on that one. It was a TERRIBLE idea. After that, we were walking back through the snow covered woods, and I asked her where my friend was. She said she had no idea. I started calling his phone but all I got was a voice mail. When we got back to the house, or whatever it was, I was upset that my friend was lost in the woods. I called him one more time, but then I saw him coming over the hill, on his phone. He was saying something like "this is my voice mail, leave a message" so every time I was actually trying to call him he was just saying the voice mail thing. Also, there was some old guy watching us while he was sledding with his grand kids, but I have no idea why he was there. After that, we were inside the house, which was actually a bank or something. All my friends left their credit cards in the house and I was going to steal some money but then I decided against it. Some really weird stuff happened and I found myself on a computer with a bunch of videos that I was trying to save, but when I looked up, I was on a laptop in my dad's old room at my grandfather's house.
In this room, we were getting ready to leave. We were being rushed though. My brother was going to grab some movie to take home with us and I was trying to save the videos on my computer. When we left, I was in a gunship or something flying over this town and I was just trying to leave but they started shooting at us. I told them I didn't want to fight and I just wanted to go home, but they wouldn't listen so I had to blow some stuff up. Eventually I landed and the mayor was waiting for me and I told him I was just trying to leave, not make war and I guess he let me go.
Something happened before this but I can't remember. I arrived at my grandfather's house where my aunt also lives and she was on the couch with her daughter. We were talking about something and I told her I was so tired because I didn't get to sleep until 7:00 am, which is actually true. We went on a car ride somewhere and she was speeding pretty fast but it was putting me to sleep. She was driving up the sides of walls and stuff too and even though I was scared I was glad I was sleeping.
Next thing I know, I'm with a group of scientists. They had developed a giant robot to fight off a giant monster and wanted me to pilot it. Pretty much, they gave me a mecha-Godzilla to fight a real Godzilla (I haven't even ever SEEN a Godzilla movie). I fought with it for a while while standing on a bridge controlling the robot, and eventually I think I destroyed it. After that, my mission was to turn the robot on the scientist so I did. I don't know who won, but eventually I was in the next part of my dream.
I was talking to my mom and she said she wanted to go visit my dad or that he invited us over or something. I realized it was almost midnight and my friends were over so I thought she was crazy since it would take us about an hour to get there. Then I saw that she wanted to walk. One of my friends went with her because they love my dad and I started to follow. Eventually, I met up with my mom who was fighting with my dad because she wanted him to give her two thousand dollars so she could write a novel, which I had to agree with my dream dad on that one. It was a TERRIBLE idea. After that, we were walking back through the snow covered woods, and I asked her where my friend was. She said she had no idea. I started calling his phone but all I got was a voice mail. When we got back to the house, or whatever it was, I was upset that my friend was lost in the woods. I called him one more time, but then I saw him coming over the hill, on his phone. He was saying something like "this is my voice mail, leave a message" so every time I was actually trying to call him he was just saying the voice mail thing. Also, there was some old guy watching us while he was sledding with his grand kids, but I have no idea why he was there. After that, we were inside the house, which was actually a bank or something. All my friends left their credit cards in the house and I was going to steal some money but then I decided against it. Some really weird stuff happened and I found myself on a computer with a bunch of videos that I was trying to save, but when I looked up, I was on a laptop in my dad's old room at my grandfather's house.
In this room, we were getting ready to leave. We were being rushed though. My brother was going to grab some movie to take home with us and I was trying to save the videos on my computer. When we left, I was in a gunship or something flying over this town and I was just trying to leave but they started shooting at us. I told them I didn't want to fight and I just wanted to go home, but they wouldn't listen so I had to blow some stuff up. Eventually I landed and the mayor was waiting for me and I told him I was just trying to leave, not make war and I guess he let me go.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Birthday Zombies and Train Wrecks
My birthday's coming up, so I guess it's only natural that I have a dream involving it. There was another point in this dream where if I had realized WHY I went from one point to another, it would have been lucid. But, alas, I'm not there yet.
I was having a birthday party at my house and one of my friends was there that I haven't seen in a while. There were a lot of people there and everyone was being really nice. My friend who I hadn't seen in a while was playing with my airsoft gun (I don't know WHY this keeps coming up in my dreams, but it does) and he broke it when trying to cock it back. I was pretty mad, but I didn't want him to feel bad so I just let it go. There were a lot of kids who didn't look like the type of people I normally hang out with but they were pretty awesome and we were all having a good time. Eventually some of the girls left and they gave us a bakery's worth of cookies and stuff and thanked us for having them and said they had to go to another friends party and I said goodbye. I went into my room to change or something but when I walked out I was in the same house, but I was at the other party. We were all still joking around until I said something like "how did I get here?" and someone said they didn't know because they just left my party. After that, some knowledge clicked in my head that I guess in the dream was common knowledge but I only realized it now. Outside, there were only animals. People had to be very careful when leaving houses because I believe there was some kind of virus. One of the girls who had left my party before had just shown up, but was bitten by a dog on her way to the door and then there was a panic. She turned into a zombie-like state and her mother was crying. Crazy because he daughter had just been turned, she opened the door to let all the creatures inside and everyone was panicking. Eventually, some worm hole time warp thing opened up and brought me somewhere else. Now, I was on a train. My parents were there, but they weren't my actual parents. They were perfect, like in movies and looked completely different. I was laying down on the train and the back was open, so I was just watching the sky. It looked like we were in the past, there weren't so many roads and the towns were small. Like trains were primary transportation. Out of nowhere, a tornado started to grow and destroyed the train. I was thrown from it before it was destroyed and I was alive, but my parents didn't make it. The train crashed into a building and at first people thought that it had been me who had derailed the train, but eventually they found out it was the tornado. I was at the funeral after that, and some girl was talking to me and we walked over to her car (despite the dream feeling like cars didn't exist, I guess they did) and she was saying she was glad I didn't cause the accident and that she was sorry for my loss. And that's all I remember.
I was having a birthday party at my house and one of my friends was there that I haven't seen in a while. There were a lot of people there and everyone was being really nice. My friend who I hadn't seen in a while was playing with my airsoft gun (I don't know WHY this keeps coming up in my dreams, but it does) and he broke it when trying to cock it back. I was pretty mad, but I didn't want him to feel bad so I just let it go. There were a lot of kids who didn't look like the type of people I normally hang out with but they were pretty awesome and we were all having a good time. Eventually some of the girls left and they gave us a bakery's worth of cookies and stuff and thanked us for having them and said they had to go to another friends party and I said goodbye. I went into my room to change or something but when I walked out I was in the same house, but I was at the other party. We were all still joking around until I said something like "how did I get here?" and someone said they didn't know because they just left my party. After that, some knowledge clicked in my head that I guess in the dream was common knowledge but I only realized it now. Outside, there were only animals. People had to be very careful when leaving houses because I believe there was some kind of virus. One of the girls who had left my party before had just shown up, but was bitten by a dog on her way to the door and then there was a panic. She turned into a zombie-like state and her mother was crying. Crazy because he daughter had just been turned, she opened the door to let all the creatures inside and everyone was panicking. Eventually, some worm hole time warp thing opened up and brought me somewhere else. Now, I was on a train. My parents were there, but they weren't my actual parents. They were perfect, like in movies and looked completely different. I was laying down on the train and the back was open, so I was just watching the sky. It looked like we were in the past, there weren't so many roads and the towns were small. Like trains were primary transportation. Out of nowhere, a tornado started to grow and destroyed the train. I was thrown from it before it was destroyed and I was alive, but my parents didn't make it. The train crashed into a building and at first people thought that it had been me who had derailed the train, but eventually they found out it was the tornado. I was at the funeral after that, and some girl was talking to me and we walked over to her car (despite the dream feeling like cars didn't exist, I guess they did) and she was saying she was glad I didn't cause the accident and that she was sorry for my loss. And that's all I remember.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Demon Teachers
I had two dreams last night, I forgot one at first, but just remembered it so here we go.
Dream One
I was in summer school in high school for some reason and I was taking a physics class. The person teaching the physics class was my NJROTC Senior Chief from high school and it didn't really make sense that he was teaching physics, but he was. When our first test came up, I was having a lot of trouble with it and he started yelling at the whole class because I guess we were expected to know everything. After that, we had an experiment that we were supposed to do so I partnered up with my girlfriend but first I started yelling at my teacher telling him that we need to learn things and that we shouldn't be expected to have all the knowledge coming into the course. He looked a little regretful for being so mean. In real life, he was never even close to this mean. After that something happened with a female teacher and she turned into some huge demon monster and started wrecking the whole school. I think we managed to alert the police even though it was really difficult to do so. We were eventually able to escape and the police arrived and tried to stop the monster but they couldn't, except for one detective who found a spell book. He was looking through it carefully while the demon teacher was throwing people around in the background, and eventually he started to mutter something and the lady shrunk back down to normal. She was arrested and there was one student who was being carried out in a coffin. After the police left, I saw some people talking and they were all in charge of the school somehow. Turns out they were in on the whole thing and this was an experiment before the actual school year started. They also revealed that the student in the coffin was actually faking his death so that he could retrieve the spell book for the people in charge. And then I woke up.
Dream Two
I was at a concert with a bunch of my friends and my girlfriend. It was for my favorite band and we had arrived just in time. We were listening to them and going crazy and it was pretty cool. Eventually the band was running around in the crowd and the lead singer came up to my row and was shaking all of our hands. Then the bassist came over and was hanging out with us until he had to go back on stage. They started playing one song that I have been waiting for them to play live, but I woke up in the middle of it, with the song still playing in my head. After that, I fell right back to sleep while thinking that they never come play close and had a dream that I asked them to come play in New York, anywhere close to me. They had a concert in central park in the city so I went to that and while crowd surfing I landed on the stage and all of a sudden security robots started freaking out and said that if I did not leave the area I would be destroyed. I started to back away and I said I was sorry and I didn't mean to go up on stage. I could also see a little clock ticking down and as I backed away it would stop, but then it just dropped to zero and the robots started blasting everyone. Then the stage turned into a spaceship and flew away. Yeah...that dream was weird.
Dream One
I was in summer school in high school for some reason and I was taking a physics class. The person teaching the physics class was my NJROTC Senior Chief from high school and it didn't really make sense that he was teaching physics, but he was. When our first test came up, I was having a lot of trouble with it and he started yelling at the whole class because I guess we were expected to know everything. After that, we had an experiment that we were supposed to do so I partnered up with my girlfriend but first I started yelling at my teacher telling him that we need to learn things and that we shouldn't be expected to have all the knowledge coming into the course. He looked a little regretful for being so mean. In real life, he was never even close to this mean. After that something happened with a female teacher and she turned into some huge demon monster and started wrecking the whole school. I think we managed to alert the police even though it was really difficult to do so. We were eventually able to escape and the police arrived and tried to stop the monster but they couldn't, except for one detective who found a spell book. He was looking through it carefully while the demon teacher was throwing people around in the background, and eventually he started to mutter something and the lady shrunk back down to normal. She was arrested and there was one student who was being carried out in a coffin. After the police left, I saw some people talking and they were all in charge of the school somehow. Turns out they were in on the whole thing and this was an experiment before the actual school year started. They also revealed that the student in the coffin was actually faking his death so that he could retrieve the spell book for the people in charge. And then I woke up.
Dream Two
I was at a concert with a bunch of my friends and my girlfriend. It was for my favorite band and we had arrived just in time. We were listening to them and going crazy and it was pretty cool. Eventually the band was running around in the crowd and the lead singer came up to my row and was shaking all of our hands. Then the bassist came over and was hanging out with us until he had to go back on stage. They started playing one song that I have been waiting for them to play live, but I woke up in the middle of it, with the song still playing in my head. After that, I fell right back to sleep while thinking that they never come play close and had a dream that I asked them to come play in New York, anywhere close to me. They had a concert in central park in the city so I went to that and while crowd surfing I landed on the stage and all of a sudden security robots started freaking out and said that if I did not leave the area I would be destroyed. I started to back away and I said I was sorry and I didn't mean to go up on stage. I could also see a little clock ticking down and as I backed away it would stop, but then it just dropped to zero and the robots started blasting everyone. Then the stage turned into a spaceship and flew away. Yeah...that dream was weird.
Friday, April 1, 2011
April Fools
Had a great time with my friends at 12:30 last night, even though I was sick. We watched The Room on Adult Swim, which I look forward to every April Fools day. I didn't get pranked at all this year...but I did in my dream. Had two weird dreams last night, so here we go.
Dream One
I was on my computer downloading the torrent of the soundtrack for the movie Sucker Punch (have I mentioned it's the best movie ever?) because I wanted to listen to it in the shower. While I was downloading it, some instructions popped up on the screen, but they were in a language I didn't understand which I would later find out had something to do with terrorists. After they popped up, I heard a sound like some sequence was initiating, and I got a little scared so I went into my brothers room and was asking him something. All of a sudden, I heard a huge explosion, and I went back into my room and saw that my computer had exploded. My brother yelled "APRIL FOOLS" even though it actually had nothing to do with him. I never got to listen to my soundtrack in the shower...
Dream Two
I was back at my old high school for some reason, and I was just walking around with my friends. I ran into an old friend who I hadn't seen in a while named Ryan, and I was really happy to see him. He said some joke that made me laugh really hard and then I said we needed to hang out sometime soon and we went our separate ways. I was then talking to my friend about some girl he met but he told me he never got her number and she obviously liked him (which actually happened) then I got the idea for him to talk to the person who introduced them since I'm sure they would be able to hook them up again. Something weird happened but I don't really remember anything else. Kind of a boring dream really...
Dream One
I was on my computer downloading the torrent of the soundtrack for the movie Sucker Punch (have I mentioned it's the best movie ever?) because I wanted to listen to it in the shower. While I was downloading it, some instructions popped up on the screen, but they were in a language I didn't understand which I would later find out had something to do with terrorists. After they popped up, I heard a sound like some sequence was initiating, and I got a little scared so I went into my brothers room and was asking him something. All of a sudden, I heard a huge explosion, and I went back into my room and saw that my computer had exploded. My brother yelled "APRIL FOOLS" even though it actually had nothing to do with him. I never got to listen to my soundtrack in the shower...
Dream Two
I was back at my old high school for some reason, and I was just walking around with my friends. I ran into an old friend who I hadn't seen in a while named Ryan, and I was really happy to see him. He said some joke that made me laugh really hard and then I said we needed to hang out sometime soon and we went our separate ways. I was then talking to my friend about some girl he met but he told me he never got her number and she obviously liked him (which actually happened) then I got the idea for him to talk to the person who introduced them since I'm sure they would be able to hook them up again. Something weird happened but I don't really remember anything else. Kind of a boring dream really...
Well, yesterday I was pretty sick so my girlfriend came over to take care of me, but I didn't get a chance to post. So, I'm going to make two posts today. This one will be about my dreams from two nights ago and the next one will be dreams from last night. These are much more interesting I think, so they deserve their own post.
Dream One
I was at my father's house, and packing up a suitcase I guess to go back home. On the way home he talks about how he wants to try out for some cooking show, and seeing as he went to culinary school and still cooks amazingly, this wasn't too strange. What was strange was that he was driving like a maniac to get there. He jumped off a highway exit ramp with his car, over lanes of traffic as a "shortcut" scaring the hell out of me in the process. When we arrived, it was a dark city and there were people everywhere wearing V masks from V for Vendetta. I believe they called themselves Anonymous (yeah...I had a dream about THAT). We walk into the place that looks like a supermarket, and he is showing a woman who I guess is in charge of the cooking show some sushi that he prepared himself. The woman says that unfortunately, that is not good enough, and that he is required to cook a dish in front of them before he can be accepted onto their show. The next thing I know, there are two members of Anonymous standing in one of the aisles. One of them has a large spear and a shield and I believe the other one had a shield and a short sword. An epic battle occurred and since I had no weapons, I had to fight like crazy to survive. If only I could remember and accurately describe the fight scene, I'd be able to write one hell of a story. But alas, all I know is that I won. In the end, I was able to pick up one of the weapons and one of the shields. The woman explained to me that every time I defeated one of them, I was able to take a maximum of two items. I said I wanted one of their masks, but the woman said I already took a weapon and a shield, so that was two. She also explained I would grow slightly stronger with each kill. I was able to adjust the shield and weapon to my liking, and I guess I was on my way for an adventure. But, that's all that I remember about that dream.
Dream Two
I was viewing what appeared to be a flashback of two young children who had built a tree fort together. When it was finally finished being built, they began to fight over who had ownership of it, but eventually compromised and ended up being best friends forever. They also possessed a magical deck of cards that would allow them to tell the outcome of any fight they had, so they would always know if they would win or lose. This gave them the ability to pick their battles and essentially take anything they wanted. I don't know how long had passed between the flashback and the present, but eventually one of the boys was murdered and the other was being framed. They were still younger than adults, however. In this dream, I was a detective with some police force, and me and my parter knew that the two boys were partners and not enemies so it was up to us to prove their innocence. Eventually, while investigating by myself, I saw a strange man with my partner's wife and he took her into a bathroom. I followed him and searched all the stalls until I found her drugged in one of them and the man standing over her. The next thing I remember in my dream, I took the man to my partner's house so my partner could administer his own version of justice to the man. When I was leaving the house, my partner told me "someone" had been taken care of. I found out this "someone" was a teenager who was helping in the framing of the innocent boy, but he had been stabbed by one of our men who had ordered him to be silenced. When I went to the crime scene, the boy was still alive, but he wasn't talking to anyone. I saw that it looked like he might mention something to his girlfriend though, so I somehow morphed into a little kid and took a loaded gun over to the crime scene. The police didn't know what to do other than order me to put down the gun, so I threw it into the air. It landed next to the wounded boy and fired a shot, silencing him for good. I quickly ran away and morphed back into my actual self. The next thing I remember, me and my partner were giving a press conference and we decided to talk about why we believed the boy did not murder his friend, since no one had really believed us. Some people walked out on us, but a lot stayed and listened, and I think it was mostly a success. After that, I went over to a bar and saw a few celebrities sitting there, including Morgan Freeman, Bruce Willis, and for some reason Whoopi Goldberg. Whoopi Goldberg started talking to me about a book she had written about Pokemon, and the next thing I knew I was playing Pokemon with her and Morgan Freeman. After that, I was in a freezer trying to cover up something else. I guess I was a pretty dirty cop. However, there was someone investigating me and they were watching me through a small hole. I managed to make it look like I was locked in the freezer over night, but I actually had a hidden escape route. After that, I saw Dexter from the amazing showtime show Dexter on the roof of the building, I think he was kissing some random girl. His girlfriend from the first few seasons of the show, Rita, showed up, and threw the woman off the roof, killing her. After that, Dexter told her about how he was a serial killer, but I woke up before anything else happened.
Dream One
I was at my father's house, and packing up a suitcase I guess to go back home. On the way home he talks about how he wants to try out for some cooking show, and seeing as he went to culinary school and still cooks amazingly, this wasn't too strange. What was strange was that he was driving like a maniac to get there. He jumped off a highway exit ramp with his car, over lanes of traffic as a "shortcut" scaring the hell out of me in the process. When we arrived, it was a dark city and there were people everywhere wearing V masks from V for Vendetta. I believe they called themselves Anonymous (yeah...I had a dream about THAT). We walk into the place that looks like a supermarket, and he is showing a woman who I guess is in charge of the cooking show some sushi that he prepared himself. The woman says that unfortunately, that is not good enough, and that he is required to cook a dish in front of them before he can be accepted onto their show. The next thing I know, there are two members of Anonymous standing in one of the aisles. One of them has a large spear and a shield and I believe the other one had a shield and a short sword. An epic battle occurred and since I had no weapons, I had to fight like crazy to survive. If only I could remember and accurately describe the fight scene, I'd be able to write one hell of a story. But alas, all I know is that I won. In the end, I was able to pick up one of the weapons and one of the shields. The woman explained to me that every time I defeated one of them, I was able to take a maximum of two items. I said I wanted one of their masks, but the woman said I already took a weapon and a shield, so that was two. She also explained I would grow slightly stronger with each kill. I was able to adjust the shield and weapon to my liking, and I guess I was on my way for an adventure. But, that's all that I remember about that dream.
Dream Two
I was viewing what appeared to be a flashback of two young children who had built a tree fort together. When it was finally finished being built, they began to fight over who had ownership of it, but eventually compromised and ended up being best friends forever. They also possessed a magical deck of cards that would allow them to tell the outcome of any fight they had, so they would always know if they would win or lose. This gave them the ability to pick their battles and essentially take anything they wanted. I don't know how long had passed between the flashback and the present, but eventually one of the boys was murdered and the other was being framed. They were still younger than adults, however. In this dream, I was a detective with some police force, and me and my parter knew that the two boys were partners and not enemies so it was up to us to prove their innocence. Eventually, while investigating by myself, I saw a strange man with my partner's wife and he took her into a bathroom. I followed him and searched all the stalls until I found her drugged in one of them and the man standing over her. The next thing I remember in my dream, I took the man to my partner's house so my partner could administer his own version of justice to the man. When I was leaving the house, my partner told me "someone" had been taken care of. I found out this "someone" was a teenager who was helping in the framing of the innocent boy, but he had been stabbed by one of our men who had ordered him to be silenced. When I went to the crime scene, the boy was still alive, but he wasn't talking to anyone. I saw that it looked like he might mention something to his girlfriend though, so I somehow morphed into a little kid and took a loaded gun over to the crime scene. The police didn't know what to do other than order me to put down the gun, so I threw it into the air. It landed next to the wounded boy and fired a shot, silencing him for good. I quickly ran away and morphed back into my actual self. The next thing I remember, me and my partner were giving a press conference and we decided to talk about why we believed the boy did not murder his friend, since no one had really believed us. Some people walked out on us, but a lot stayed and listened, and I think it was mostly a success. After that, I went over to a bar and saw a few celebrities sitting there, including Morgan Freeman, Bruce Willis, and for some reason Whoopi Goldberg. Whoopi Goldberg started talking to me about a book she had written about Pokemon, and the next thing I knew I was playing Pokemon with her and Morgan Freeman. After that, I was in a freezer trying to cover up something else. I guess I was a pretty dirty cop. However, there was someone investigating me and they were watching me through a small hole. I managed to make it look like I was locked in the freezer over night, but I actually had a hidden escape route. After that, I saw Dexter from the amazing showtime show Dexter on the roof of the building, I think he was kissing some random girl. His girlfriend from the first few seasons of the show, Rita, showed up, and threw the woman off the roof, killing her. After that, Dexter told her about how he was a serial killer, but I woke up before anything else happened.
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