Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Kill Who You Love

I don't remember much about these dreams, but I remember very specific parts that stuck with me. I felt the need to get them down though. I'll write as much as I can about them. I don't know if they were part of one dream or broken up, but I'm going to break them up into different stories anyway.

Dream One
Recently, I've been working at a thrift store that my family decided to open. Some man gave us some katanas that he wanted us to sell for him, though I wasn't there when he brought them in so I don't know what he looks like. In my dream, he showed up at my house, asking for a percentage of the money. We told him that we hadn't sold them yet, but as soon as we did we would let him know. He went crazy and pulled out a gun on us. He then picked up my baby cousin and ran out the door. I ran into my room, went under my bed, and pulled out my airsoft gun (this gun is in a lot of my dreams for some reason) before chasing after him. Outside, I pointed my gun at him and yelled "Freeze! Or I'll shoot!". He looked scared and immediately started firing at me, with the bullets only grazing me. I chased after him, but he jumped in his car and drove away. At that point, the police showed up and I dropped my gun on the ground and explained what happened. They checked my gun to see it wasn't real and then let me go. They continued whatever they were doing to help get my cousin back, but I decided to go after the man on my own. I don't remember exactly what happened next in the dream, but I think I went after him and killed him, saving my baby cousin.

Dream Two
I was at my school, I believe, but it was like some festival was going on. There was this girl there and she was pretty much stalking me. I think at one point we were friends, but she wanted more than that, and I was with my girlfriend. There was something going on late at night, where I went into this really scary forest. She followed me there and I told her that I didn't want to be friends with her anymore. She got really angry and then turned into this giant hideous monster. As she was attacking me, two other guys showed up to help. We managed to kill her but as she died, this golden dust fell from the sky and formed into an egg. The egg was mass produced somehow and was going to hatch into more of those monsters. I don't know much else about the dream, but I remember feeling a sense of sorrow killing her, like we had once been great friends or in love. I remember looking at her lifeless body and the whole thing felt very morbid.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

You Know My Name

For anyone who follows my other blog, A Reaper's Memories, you know I have a very boring class called Ancient Japanese Civilization. It SOUNDED interesting. But boy, was I wrong. Anyway, I took a test in that class on Wednesday and I had a dream last night about the results, which then led to other things...it's really weird so forgive me if it doesn't make much sense.

I was sitting in the classroom for my Ancient Japanese Civilization class, but all the desks were facing the left side of the classroom, as opposed to the front. The professor was walking around the classroom, handing back our tests, and I remember the sun coming in through the window, pretty much blinding me and creating a huge glare on my laptop. She handed back my test and I failed it horribly (though I'm pretty sure I didn't do that bad on it) and I was so mad. I was mad, because my essay questions were correct, but she just didn't like my answers, so she failed me. I almost flipped out, but contained myself before leaving the class. I went to the theater and they were preforming something, but I talked to someone and had him make fun of my professor on stage without actually making fun of her. I can't really explain what happened, because I don't really even know. To sum it up, I got a guy to call my professor a bitch, not directly, but it was known that it was towards her. After that, me and my girlfriend went into some show or something on campus, but since most of the seats were full, we started sliding down railings as opposed to walking through the crowded aisles. When we eventually found seats, I turned to the guy next to me and started talking to him. He looked like Jason Segel (from movies like Forgetting Sarah Marshall and I Love You, Man) and I told him that. He started laughing and said people told him that a lot. We talked for a bit and became friends. But this is where things started getting weird.

He told me he thought I was cool and he was going to spare me from a virus he was going to spread. At first, I was cool with it, and asked him what kind of computer virus it was, and then asked if he could spare my girlfriend too. He looked at me and said he wished he could, but if it spread to her it couldn't be helped. He then informed me it wasn't a computer virus, like I had originally thought, but an actual airborne virus that would slowly kill everyone who didn't have the vaccine. I asked him if my girlfriend and I could have the vaccine, but he refused. Things turned kind of Metal Gear Solid like, and I found myself sneaking through a forest area. I found myself with some gear that I'm not really sure how I got, and was taking out some of the guys guards on the way to his facility. I had a weapon that I believe was similar to the way the virus would work. I would shoot it, and a bee would fly out, stinging whoever I hit with it. Then, a swarm of bees would fly around that person, stinging them to death. I think the virus was going to eventually be put into these bees' stingers and spread in a similar way.

When I arrived at the facility, I was spotted by a guard, but he was decayed and looked like a zombie. An alert was triggered and I sorted through my weapons to try and find something to incapacitate the guards with without killing them (even though they were zombies I guess). I was eventually killed because I wasn't prepared with my weapons, but was able to start over at the beginning of the room. This time, I set my stealth camouflage, along with some good weapons, and was able to sneak in and out, placing bombs as I did so. I also remember these weird binoculars I had that were made out of eyeballs, ripped out of Revolver Ocelots head. As I left the facility, things shifted to more of a James Bond feel. I was talking on a communicator to someone who I guess was supposed to be my wife and she was talking about our daughter. She eventually called her by a nickname that my wife never knew for my daughter, which tipped me off to the fact that this wasn't who I thought it was. I followed her instructions to where she wanted me to go, but I knew this was a setup. When I arrived, I was ready, and killed her and the bad guy, explaining how I had figured out what they were up to. I walked away from the facility as it exploded, destroying all traces of the virus inside.

This song was stuck in my head after the dream, so I'll share it like I do with all the other songs that get stuck in my head due to dreams.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Love and Money

I don't really know if I can explain these dreams so well, but I'll try my best.

Dream One
My girlfriend put me to bed last night before leaving to go home. In my dream, she was debating either staying the night or taking me home with her. While we were talking, her dad showed up at my house. He walked in with her little sister and started yelling at me and I told him that she was just about to go home and to relax. I think we started fist fighting or something and my girlfriend ended up being missing after that. I looked everywhere for her, but couldn't find her. I think I chased down some bad guy who was escaping in a plane or something and stabbed him. Then it was like I was playing a video game and when I finished the final chapter I would find out where she was. I was so tired and wanted to go to bed, but I couldn't unless I found her. In the middle of the final chapter of the game, I thought of something. I went outside and opened her car, and there she was. I don't know why she was in there but I think it had something to do with her dad taking her and then I guess he forgot that he made her wait in the car.

Dream Two
My dad told me to go to some event that was going on, so I went. It was announcing who the winner of some fantasy football league was and giving him prize money, which was like one million dollars or something. Then, the person in charge or whatever threw these things that looked like Jolly Ranchers into the crowd, and the people who caught them each got money too. I caught one of them and he wrote me a check for one million dollars. I tried to go to my bank, but I couldn't cash the check there because it was too much money. They told me to go to this other bank and that they would be able to help me. I went there and I don't know exactly what happened, but I ended up going back to my bank and finding out that I had four million in my account. A dream friend was with me in the dream and said that I should just leave it and keep it. I decided to go back to the people who gave me the money and let them know they made a mistake, because I didn't want them hunting me down. I told the guy in charge what happened and he said something like "You just couldn't let it be...". He threw my friend out of a window and then came after me. I fought him back and killed him. It turned out we had found out about some kind of scam they were running to give people in sports more money than they said they were getting. I don't really know. But I ended up becoming a hero for stopping and exposing him. A lot of people wanted to talk with me, but this part of the dream started getting confusing. I was in a video game store trying to buy something with my million dollars. While looking for something to buy, I realized I didn't actually have the money any more because I exposed the scam. When I left, I remembered that the mayor wanted to talk to me about what had happened. I went to see him and I explained that I had a dream, told him what happened in the dream, and then when I woke up I stopped the man in real life. It was so confusing and I'm having trouble describing the whole dream now. But, in the end, the result was the same. I just woke up.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The End of All I Love

Haven't written anything in a while, mostly because this semester has been a little more crazy than I thought it would be. I've also had a problem with remembering my dreams lately, possibly because I haven't been writing what I do remember down. I just woke up from a dream that I'm going to try my best to describe. It was like multiple dreams infused into one but I will break them up.

Dream One
I was at a sporting even for my college team, which I just now realized was basketball. We were cheering them on when we heard that a special guest was coming. It turned out to be Peter Chao, who is a pretty popular YouTube celebrity. I started talking to him but he kept getting mobbed by the crowds of people. At the end, everyone started leaving except for me and a few other people. While we were talking, Peter showed up and was hanging out with us. I don't know what we were all talking about, but I remember it being the most awesome night I had ever experienced. We ended up talking and joking around until 4 AM when the basketball team came in to get ready for a 6 AM practice. We all exchanged info to stay in touch and went our separate ways.

Dream Two
My grandfather's brother was standing at the window in my grandfather's house. He was doing something, I think playing guitar, and my dad turned to me and said "he's going to die soon". I was a bit shocked and then he explained to me that he had cancer and he was about to lose his battle. We later found out that he died. I got dressed for the funeral but didn't have a good black shirt. We drove to the funeral place and when my dad saw what everyone else was wearing he sent me brother inside and took me to the store to get a new shirt. When we got there, I somehow ended up with a new phone that the guy sold to us for a cheap price. The only thing wrong with it was that someone had inscribed some creepy Satan worshipping quote on the back of it. It ended up having some connection to Satan who said that I would have to solve all of his riddles in a certain amount of time or I would be killed and brought to hell. He also said that I could tell some people about this, if they believed me, but he would most likely kill some of them. I decided to mostly keep it to myself. At random occasions, he would drag my soul to hell, leaving my body unconscious. I don't know exactly what happened down there, but I do know that it was horrifying. I don't remember much else from the dream, but I remember waking up in the middle of the night, thankful I was alive and that it was all just a dream.

Dream Three
I think after I woke up from my other dream, I fell asleep into this one. I was talking to my dad and he told me he was going to kill himself. I tried to stop him, but I couldn't. I think him and my uncle decided to kill themselves together. I found myself sitting on the stoop of my grandfather's house not knowing what to do. I felt as though everyone around me was dying. There was a sense of being completely alone in the dream, except for my cousins. I was wondering what I was going to do. Everyone was gone and I had no where to go. Eventually, my dad and my uncle came back from wherever they were, drunk. I was relieved, though I still felt uneasy because my dad didn't seem like himself. We went inside the house, where I was explaining to my cousins about how I hung out with Peter Chao and how we were friends. I tried to message him but he didn't want to message me back. I eventually gave up, but that's all I remember.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse

So, I've never actually played Castlevania II for the NES. But I loved the first one intensely. However, I watched Egoraptor's Sequilitis about the two when that first came out. I did however play Dr.Jeckel and Mr.Hyde which I think he mentions in his video. This dream kind of used ideas from both of them. It was so disturbing while I was actually in it so I guess you would have to see it to realize how scary it really was, even though I didn't wake up scared.

Me and my girlfriend were playing some game that I can only assume was on the NES. We were killing some monster things and I got a message that said "What a horrible night to have a curse..." which is the line that would show up in Castlevania II. My character changed and started going after my girlfriends character. I told her to run because I had no control over him and he was going to kill her. Something happened and the game turned into a first person view type thing, except we were actually in it, because we had full control over our bodies. We were exploring and grabbing different kinds of weapons that were laying around but as the sun set, the message popped up again. "What a horrible night to have a curse...". Instead of me changing, a whole bunch of horrifying monsters were appearing around me. I pulled out a handgun that I had found while searching and cocked it. I didn't cock it all the way and only one bullet went into my "ammo". I fired one bullet at a time having to cock the gun each time I wanted to fire. I can't even explain what this creature looked like...it was like a rotting heap of flesh with a head. I shot a few bullets into it's head but it didn't seem to be doing anything. While that was going on, there were other horrifying things running around, and I wasn't sure what to focus on. Eventually, I learned the correct way to cock the gun and was given a complete clip of ammo each time. Even after firing an entire clip into the monsters head, it didn't seem to have any effect. I was thinking to myself "what kind of game is this?". Eventually, the morning came and all of the monsters became peaceful or vanished. There was a town nearby that me and my girlfriend ended up at and some of the shopkeepers were goblins. Though they would be hostile at night, they seemed to be friendly now. I realized that what I would have to do is hide when the night time came. I was out exploring in the field again, when the message popped up and night fell. I found a barn that was littered with skulls and bones and hid somewhere completely out of site. I saw some goblins approaching and they somehow knew I was there. They began to light the barn on fire with flamethrowers and I began to burn alive. It was horrible and I remember thinking that I was just going to let myself die because I didn't want to play anymore. Right when my health was about to run out, it filled about a quarter of the way and I exited the barn. Outside, I started fighting and killing the goblins, blowing them up with some wagon full of explosives. I continued to walk and found a few more horrible monsters that I started to fight with some bladed weapons I found. The combat felt so awesome, but I was hardly doing any damage. The last thing I remember was trying to get away from some horrible giant half-dead troll looking monster with tentacles. I remember jumping down a well to escape from him.

Monday, January 30, 2012

A Lot of Backed Up Dreams

A bunch of dreams saved up, even though these aren't all the dreams I had. These were the dreams that I needed to write down, because they had the most impact on my mind. If only I was able to write down every dream I had, I would go back to having Lucid Dreams. That would be fun.

Dream One
A princess was in a dream world created by some evil witch. The princess was solving the witches' puzzles in order to be set free. I ended up getting taken into the world and the princess was helping me solve the first few challenges. Something happened where the witch was going to kill me so the princess said that she would become the witches prisoner if she let me solve the puzzles, and if I did she would be set free. Before being taken away, the princess gave me some hints and told me that there was a spot on my sword that if I hit anyone else's weapon with, it would break. The witch then took the princess and faded into a wall with her. I was solving a few of the puzzles and then these three monsters attacked me. I think one was a floating skull and one was like a miniature Gryphon. I don't remember what the third one was, but I had a few spells I was using on them to find their weakness. I killed all of them except one, and while I was fighting the last one the dream shifted over to the princess. She was in the witches castle, laying in bed next to a baby. It turned out the baby was mine and it was what the witch really wanted and she was going to do everything in her power to stop me from seeing him. The moon was watching (because in this world it was actually...some giant...thing) and felt sad and wanted the baby to be reunited with me, so when the dream switched back to me, I was on a ship and the moon helped guide me in the right direction. I ended up in some desert area where I found a village of people. For the first time in a long time (I guess I had been in the dream world a long time) I had found people. They were friendly and told me to be careful of the sand because of the monsters that lived under it. We were walking on one of the paths they had made when they explained to me that some of their cargo had been dropped on the sand, and even though the really needed it, they couldn't get it. I got on a thing that was like a zip line and slid down to where the cargo was. They were yelling at me to come back up or I would die. I grabbed the cargo and when the monsters jumped out of the sand to kill me, I pulled out a dagger and slashed them up before they could ever hit the ground.
The dream switched back to the witches castle, and showed the princess sitting at a table with some people. One of them was my dad. Somehow he ended up at my village, I think he snuck away from the table because he was bored and he was with my son. At first, I didn't realize who he was, because being in the world for so long warped your mind and removed your old memories. Eventually, I knew who he was and brought back his memories by reminding him of everything we used to do. The witch knew what was going on and sent an army to come kill me. There was a crazy fight that took place and my dream was split up into two different parties. I ran to the castle by myself, while some member from the village and my dad held back the army, along with my son, who was much older now, even though he still didnt know who I was. I got to the castle, found the princess and started out escape, but the place was crawling with monsters. I had to fight my way out. Back at the village, the people were getting so powerful and using awesome spells. One of them used the death spell on the leader of the army and a grim reaper flew around him, took his scythe and slit his throat with it. In the castle, I was using some awesome spells too, I don't remember exactly what, but I was destroying everything. Right when I got to the witch, I ended up waking up. Though I was still half asleep and the dream was fading, I managed to fight the witch and stab her before opening my eyes.

Dream Two
I was at my old high school doing a lab for a course that I just finished at college. After I finished the lab, I went to visit my favorite teacher from high school. He was happy to see me and asked what I was doing in the school and I told him about the lab. He said there was a huge storm coming so everyone had to wait until 4 before they were allowed to leave, so I hung out with him for a while. He said they were gonna play some PS3 games until it was time to go. My dad somehow ended up at the school and was looking for me. He ended up hanging out with us for a bit, and him and these two kids next to him were showing each other their tattoos (my dad has almost two full sleeves and usually when he sees someone else with good tattoos he likes to talk to them about it) eventually we went for a walk and the floor was kind of broken and covered in vines, like a city lost and long forgotten. We saw students walking underneath and were wondering of they could see us from down there. We went downstairs into the library (and I think I was with a girl teacher now) and after talking to the librarian she eventually let us in. We found the spot and some people were talking about something, I think how the plants had some power to them. Before going in, I had found this gross looking thing and ate it (no idea why, but I remember even though it didn't taste like anything, it had a horrible gross texture). I eventually left to go and find my dad since it was time to leave. I found my teacher and told him that you could actually see the classroom from the library. He thanked me and said goodbye. I found my dad in the parking lot and got in his weird car. It was a really old looking car and was making a really high pitched sound. I got out and said I was going to drive myself home.
I got into my car and started to drive. The steering wheel was on the opposite side of the car though, and I couldn't use the pedals right. I also realized half way through that I wasn't wearing my seatbelt, which was extra bad since I couldn't control my car. I brought up like a "pause" menu, and restarted from the parking lot. This time, I looked in the options to see if I could flip the steering wheel back to where it was supposed to be, but I couldn't. I put on my seatbelt and adjusted the wheel and the seats to make things a little better. While I was driving though, I was still having a hard time controlling the car (another recurring theme in my dreams, a lack of control over a car, gives me this horrible feeling). I ended up pulling over to try and fix things and took out my laptop to try and do something but then just shut it. I ended up making it home somehow and walked up the stairs to the front door.
In the living room was my mom and my brother. They had a package on the table that I have been waiting for (in real life, which is actually supposed to come today) and my mom said she was fed up with my friend (who lives downstairs) because he had some girl over and they were having crazy weird sex. I thought it might have been this girl he currently likes a lot and I went downstairs to talk to him about it. It ended up it was some random girl that he met somewhere else and I got really angry at him, asking him how he could do that to the other girl. I told him to get out of my house because I was done dealing with him. The whore girl showed up and he explained that he wanted to date the one girl but keep having weird crazy sex with the other. I told him that I wouldn't stand for that, especially since the other girl is so sweet. After that, I think the other girl showed her fangs because she was a vampire or something. Someone managed to grab her and my friend and tie them up while I figured out what to do with them.
In one room, my friend was tied to my brothers bed with some of my cousins watching him. He had become a vampire too (a scary kind, not a sparkly kind) and was trying to break free and kill us. I gave my cousin a pen to keep over his heart incase he needed to stab him, but I told him to try not to. I went into the living room to find out what my brother knew, since he was apparently a vampire expert since he watched True Blood. He told me he would contact one of the head vampires to try and help us. Before that could happen my "step-dad" (I don't have a step dad, but my friends dad was in this dream and I was calling him dad as well as my real dad being my dad) came into the living room and said he was going out. We noticed he had fangs and realized that one of the vampires must have escaped. I saw the whore girl walking from the room she was in to the room where my friend was and ran downstairs to grab a machete. When I got back upstairs, a bunch of vampires were coming at me (even though they were more like zombies). My mom and brother were sitting on the couch telling me to kill them, but I said I couldn't kill my cousin or best friend. They started ripping me up pretty bad and one of them had a gun, which they shot me with a couple of times. My mom yelled that they weren't the people I knew anymore and if I didn't kill them, they would kill me and the rest of the people I loved. I took the machete and cut off some of their heads. When I was trying to cut my cousin, the machete wasn't working. I was completely beaten and dying, but I managed to grab the gun that one of them had before and started shooting the rest of them in the head. As I fell to the floor and began to die, I asked God to forgive me for all of my sins.
I woke up in Hell. Though I had sacrificed myself and asked for forgiveness, I still ended up in hell. There were little statues that explained all of my sins, and they were really stupid and annoying (one was something like "you peed on the toilet seat on purpose when you were little") I was so mad that these were the reasons I was sent to hell. As the devil came up behind me to do whatever he was going to do to me, he turned me around and pulled off his disguise, and it turned out he was God. He was playing a joke on me and said I made it into heaven. I was so happy that I was at least in a nice place when I was dead. Eventually, God let me go down to earth to continue this blog (nice of him, huh?) and I tried to use it to have one of you guys get my girlfriend to read it (since she doesn't) because I wanted to tell her everything. But for some reason, it wouldn't work. I ended up going to my funeral and finding my brother and my mon crying. I started "haunting" a book and got it to fall on the floor. My brother realized it was me and opened up the book. I used a pen I had (ghost pen?) and tried to write but nothing would show up. I figured out that the harder I wrote in the ghost world, the more that would show up in the real world. I didn't get much to show up, but I had enough showing to let my brother know I was in a better place and to let by girlfriend know I loved her and would see her in heaven one day. I think God told me that when she died, I would be allowed to visit her, but not stay with her all the time. I was upset, but happy that I could one day see her again.

Dream Three
It was Thanksgiving at my house and for some reason my cousin was bringing one of his friends that I hate, along with a bunch of his friends that I love. I needed to take a shower and get dressed, but I kept getting distracted by random things. Eventually my cousin and his friends ended up showing up. They were doing something and wanted to play a game that involved them opening a gate for some reason. I told them that I didn't think they were supposed to open that gate until my mom said it was fine. They opened it anyway, and a bunch of monster things started running in. My cousins were killing them, because I guess this was the game they wanted to play, but since they had opened the gate earlier than they were supposed to, there were too many monsters for them to handle. During this, I went into the shower, which was outside for some reason, and picked up my razor to start shaving. A giant bug came into the shower and I slashed it and killed it with my razor. When I got out of the shower, everyone was gone. It turned out the monsters were aliens and they had taken over. Everyone was under their control and I had to sneak my way to their leader. I found out that I had the ability to turn invisible and shape shift, so I was making my way around undetected and slowly assassinating the aliens. I eventually made it to the boss who tried to infect me, but it turned out that I was immune to them, and I was the only one on earth who was. They knew they couldn't beat me because of this and that I could whipe the rest of them out, so they returned everyone to normal and left the planet.

Dream Four
There was some kind of survivor game going on. I don't know if I was in it or if I was just watching it. They were introducing two celebrity guests who I guess were supposed to be from some singing show or something. On "my team" I picked a woman named Sheila. She was the only person in my dream who had a name.I don't think my dreams ever come up with names for people, but I know that this was her name.The next event was between these two guys who I'm just going to call Baldy and Slick, since this dream would be confusing without naming them. Slick was a great racer and had been beating Baldy at all kinds of races, but this time it was Baldy who won. They were racing on weird kind of vehicles, I think they were hovercrafts or something. At the end of the race was another puzzle. The winner got the chance to try the puzzle before everyone else, so Baldy took a shot at it. There was a crossbow laying on the floor with a few bolts, I think three of them, and there were three hanging corpses behind a kind of shooting range. Baldy did the obvious, which was shoot each of the corpses with one of the bolts. Nothing happened. When everyone else arrived he explained what happened and we started trying to figure it out. Sheila said that her snake (that she had been carrying around) was poisoned. We didn't need the snake, but we felt bad letting it die. Slick had an antidote that he had won from a previous event, hanging from his neck. Baldy said he should give some to the snake but Slick wasn't going to give in for nothing. Slick made Baldy promise that he would never race again in exchange for the antidote as well as giving him all the cash he had won from the race. Baldy did not want to and almost wasn't going to, but he did it for the sake of the team. For some reason, some of the other members of the team became poisoned as well and had to take the antidote too. It turned out that antidote was actually poison and had not only killed the snake but also killed half of the team. The real antidote was on the tips of the crossbow bolts that Baldy had wasted. At this point, the dream felt horrifying and out of no where some natives of the island we were on came out and started violently hunting down whoever had survived the poison. From there, it showed everyone, except for Sheila, dying, and the dream panned over to two explorers searching in a set of ruins. One of the natives had entered the room they were in and was about to kill them when the explorers showed him American currency. For some reason, if the natives saw this, they became peaceful (which is why Slick had wanted the money). He then tried to help them solved a puzzle in the ruins. The explorers were placing shapes into sockets on the walls but nothing had happened. The native pulled out a sack with more shapes in it and motioned that what they had was only half. He had began rearranging the shapes that had been placed with his own shapes to complete completely different shapes. As the door began to open, I woke up.

Dream Five
I was on a train with my family, including my cousins. We had been having fun climbing out of the back of the train and running along the roof, before re-entering through a window. Everything seemed so beautiful, the sky was an intense blue and the grass was a magnificent ocean of green. We got in trouble at one point because we were caught by the conductor driving the train who told us to stop because it was dangerous. We ended up in New York City and got off the train. There was an army base right where the train let us off, filled with all kinds of "attractions", I guess it was an attempt to brainwash everyone into joining the army. We walked and ended up at a man's studio was taking pictures of families as they left the base. My mom wanted to take a picture of the whole family and for some reason I was really mad. I told her I wasn't wearing clothes for this and that I wasn't prepared to take a picture. After some convincing, I was ready to take the picture when the photographer attacked us. Me and my cousins developed super powers out of no where and started to fight him, eventually killing him. Along with the pictures he had taken there were also paintings around the room that he had done. We started destroying them before leaving the area. In the next area it was like a video game. There was a monster we had to fight and I had to select which character I wanted to use. We eventually killed the monster and moved on, but everything was getting intensely creepy. The last thing I remember is one of the paintings of a giant octopus monster that had survived being destroyed. It started moving and eventually the monster was released and began to track us down so that it could kill us.

Dream Six
We were at a birthday party for my little girl cousin and there were a bunch of little kids running around. I remember going into the bathroom to try and shave my face a little bit and this whore that my girlfriend works with was in her underwear trying to get in the bathroom. I looked away when I saw her and my aunt, who was in charge of the party, started yelling at me to look away from her and stop checking her out because my girlfriend would be upset. I was walking outside of the party and some stuff was going on that I'm not really sure about. I ended up getting into a fight with another one of my aunts, not sure about what, but I ended up crying and screaming that she was a horrible person because she cheated on my uncle and broke his heart. I went into another room where I guess they were handing out birthday cake, and I used the "F" word in front of a bunch of kids and their parents. One of the kids older sisters told me to watch my mouth and I started to fight with her before apologizing and telling her that I was just upset because of what happened with my aunt. After that, I ended up in the living room playing with my little cousin. I was picking him up and dancing with him and eventually put him down. My uncle came into the room and was looking for him and asked where he was, but I couldn't find him. I don't know exactly how it happened, but I guess the Devil got hold of him and was making me solve his puzzles in order to save my cousin. I solved most of them, but the last one was this weird puzzle that I had to connect all of these numbers in order to talk to my girlfriend who was at her house. Out of no where though, she was standing right next to me, trying to help me figure out the puzzle. We ended up messing up completely and when we realized what we were supposed to do it was too late. The Devil came up and said he was going to keep my little cousin. I told him to take my soul instead and he agreed, but said I would have to trick someone else into dying, by getting them to sign a piece of paper without looking at it. He also said that when my little cousin dies his soul will also belong to hell. I agreed, buying my little cousin time, and also plotting to somehow trick the Devil at his own game.