Sunday, February 19, 2012

Love and Money

I don't really know if I can explain these dreams so well, but I'll try my best.

Dream One
My girlfriend put me to bed last night before leaving to go home. In my dream, she was debating either staying the night or taking me home with her. While we were talking, her dad showed up at my house. He walked in with her little sister and started yelling at me and I told him that she was just about to go home and to relax. I think we started fist fighting or something and my girlfriend ended up being missing after that. I looked everywhere for her, but couldn't find her. I think I chased down some bad guy who was escaping in a plane or something and stabbed him. Then it was like I was playing a video game and when I finished the final chapter I would find out where she was. I was so tired and wanted to go to bed, but I couldn't unless I found her. In the middle of the final chapter of the game, I thought of something. I went outside and opened her car, and there she was. I don't know why she was in there but I think it had something to do with her dad taking her and then I guess he forgot that he made her wait in the car.

Dream Two
My dad told me to go to some event that was going on, so I went. It was announcing who the winner of some fantasy football league was and giving him prize money, which was like one million dollars or something. Then, the person in charge or whatever threw these things that looked like Jolly Ranchers into the crowd, and the people who caught them each got money too. I caught one of them and he wrote me a check for one million dollars. I tried to go to my bank, but I couldn't cash the check there because it was too much money. They told me to go to this other bank and that they would be able to help me. I went there and I don't know exactly what happened, but I ended up going back to my bank and finding out that I had four million in my account. A dream friend was with me in the dream and said that I should just leave it and keep it. I decided to go back to the people who gave me the money and let them know they made a mistake, because I didn't want them hunting me down. I told the guy in charge what happened and he said something like "You just couldn't let it be...". He threw my friend out of a window and then came after me. I fought him back and killed him. It turned out we had found out about some kind of scam they were running to give people in sports more money than they said they were getting. I don't really know. But I ended up becoming a hero for stopping and exposing him. A lot of people wanted to talk with me, but this part of the dream started getting confusing. I was in a video game store trying to buy something with my million dollars. While looking for something to buy, I realized I didn't actually have the money any more because I exposed the scam. When I left, I remembered that the mayor wanted to talk to me about what had happened. I went to see him and I explained that I had a dream, told him what happened in the dream, and then when I woke up I stopped the man in real life. It was so confusing and I'm having trouble describing the whole dream now. But, in the end, the result was the same. I just woke up.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The End of All I Love

Haven't written anything in a while, mostly because this semester has been a little more crazy than I thought it would be. I've also had a problem with remembering my dreams lately, possibly because I haven't been writing what I do remember down. I just woke up from a dream that I'm going to try my best to describe. It was like multiple dreams infused into one but I will break them up.

Dream One
I was at a sporting even for my college team, which I just now realized was basketball. We were cheering them on when we heard that a special guest was coming. It turned out to be Peter Chao, who is a pretty popular YouTube celebrity. I started talking to him but he kept getting mobbed by the crowds of people. At the end, everyone started leaving except for me and a few other people. While we were talking, Peter showed up and was hanging out with us. I don't know what we were all talking about, but I remember it being the most awesome night I had ever experienced. We ended up talking and joking around until 4 AM when the basketball team came in to get ready for a 6 AM practice. We all exchanged info to stay in touch and went our separate ways.

Dream Two
My grandfather's brother was standing at the window in my grandfather's house. He was doing something, I think playing guitar, and my dad turned to me and said "he's going to die soon". I was a bit shocked and then he explained to me that he had cancer and he was about to lose his battle. We later found out that he died. I got dressed for the funeral but didn't have a good black shirt. We drove to the funeral place and when my dad saw what everyone else was wearing he sent me brother inside and took me to the store to get a new shirt. When we got there, I somehow ended up with a new phone that the guy sold to us for a cheap price. The only thing wrong with it was that someone had inscribed some creepy Satan worshipping quote on the back of it. It ended up having some connection to Satan who said that I would have to solve all of his riddles in a certain amount of time or I would be killed and brought to hell. He also said that I could tell some people about this, if they believed me, but he would most likely kill some of them. I decided to mostly keep it to myself. At random occasions, he would drag my soul to hell, leaving my body unconscious. I don't know exactly what happened down there, but I do know that it was horrifying. I don't remember much else from the dream, but I remember waking up in the middle of the night, thankful I was alive and that it was all just a dream.

Dream Three
I think after I woke up from my other dream, I fell asleep into this one. I was talking to my dad and he told me he was going to kill himself. I tried to stop him, but I couldn't. I think him and my uncle decided to kill themselves together. I found myself sitting on the stoop of my grandfather's house not knowing what to do. I felt as though everyone around me was dying. There was a sense of being completely alone in the dream, except for my cousins. I was wondering what I was going to do. Everyone was gone and I had no where to go. Eventually, my dad and my uncle came back from wherever they were, drunk. I was relieved, though I still felt uneasy because my dad didn't seem like himself. We went inside the house, where I was explaining to my cousins about how I hung out with Peter Chao and how we were friends. I tried to message him but he didn't want to message me back. I eventually gave up, but that's all I remember.